12 June 2007

Cher Barbie?

I hear there's a Cher Barbie out. I wonder if there's more plastic in the original Cher?

10 June 2007

Matt Wins First Ever Playoff Pool!!

Here are the final Standings

O: Anaheim v. Ottawa - ANA wins 4-1

f)-facebook entry, (b)- blogspot entry
Rnk> Player: (Tot, R3+O)
(f) 1> Matt (200, 150+50)
(b) 2> Mom (187, 137+50)
(f) 3> Justin (148, 138+10)
(f) 4> Jen (139, 129+10)
(f) 5> Jered (97, 97+0)

Thank you to everyone who participated! Watch for our football pool this far!

05 June 2007

Stanley Cup Playoff Pool - Round 4 Update

Okay, standings through 4 games of the finals

O: Anaheim v. Ottawa - ANA leads 3-1

Here are the standings,

f)-facebook entry, (b)- blogspot entry

Rnk> Player: (Tot, R3+O)
(f) 1> Matt (180, 150+30)
(b) 2> Mom (167, 137+30)
(f) 3> Justin (148, 138+10)
(f) 4> Jen (139, 129+10)
(f) 5> Jered (97, 97+0)