19 May 2007

Stanley Cup Playoff Pool, Round 3 Update

Okay here are the Standings so far for round 3.

M: Buffalo v. Ottawa - OTW leads 3-1
N: Detroit v. Anaheim - Tied 2-2

f)-facebook entry, (b)- blogspot entry
Rnk> Player: (Tot, R2+M+N)
(f) 1> Justin (138, 123+5+10)
(f) 2> Matt (125, 100+15+10)
(b) 3> Mom (122, 107+5+10)
(f) 4> Jen (119, 94+15+10)
(f) 5> Jered (97, 97+0+0)

Matt and Jen are gaining ground, largly due to Ottawa's crushing of Buffalo so far, if the Sabres don't make it closer there could be some lead changes. And remember it's 10pts/game in the finals so it's gonna be close.

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